Test Equipment
There is a big business in selling originals or copies of test
equipment manuals, and there are very few on-line manuals. Granted,
manuals for recent complex equipment can be huge, but let's get
some more of the older manuals on-line!
Amber 3501 Distortion and Noise Measuring System manual w/schematic
AVO "Valve Characteristic Meter" MarkIV Working Instructions, One-page Summary (Word .doc) (thanks John Roberts!)
Ballantine 300 AC Voltmeter manual w/schematic
Ballantine 300D AC Voltmeter manual w/schematic
B&K 747 tube tester manual and schematic
Century Electronics FC-2 Tube tester manual
and settings
(Excel file) (thanks Alfred Baumgartner!)
EICO 324 RF signal generator schematic
EICO 677 tube tester information, manual w/schematic
EICO 680 transistor tester manual w/schematic
E-H 132A pulse generator manual w/schematic
E-H 201C Electrometer schematic
E-H 215 RL Electrometer schematic
Elgar Series 200 AC Power Source manual w/schematic
General Electric 4ST2A3 Oscilloscope schematic 
General Radio see: https://www.ietlabs.com/genrad_history/historic_manuals 
General Radio 516-C Radio Frequency Bridge manual w/schematic
General Radio 546-B Microvolter manual w/schematic
General Radio 616-D Heterodyne Frequency Meter manual w/schematic
General Radio 617-C Interpolation Oscillator manual w/schematic
General Radio 619-E Heterodyne Detector manual w/schematic
General Radio 1001-A Standard Signal Generator (late model) manual w/schematic
General Radio 1390B random noise generator manual w/schematic
Heathkit C-3 Condensor checker schematic
Heath EU* Malmstadt-Enke Scientific Lab Equipment - see below
HD-1250 solid-state dipper schematic
Heathkit IB-1103 Frequency Counter diagrams & schematics
Heathkit IM-18 VTVM schematic
(similar to most other Heath VTVMs)
Heathkit IP-17 0-400V regulated power supply schematic
Heathkit RC-1 Radiation Counter partial manual
Heathkit TT-1A Tube Tester tube socket adapter partial manual w/schematic (this is only the adapter)
Hewlett-Packard - see http://hparchive.com/hp_equipment
also Hewlett-Packard - see http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/facet.jspx?t=79841.g.1&cc=US&lc=eng&sm=g
Hewlett-Packard 206A AF oscillator schematic
Hewlett-Packard 339A Distortion Analyzer manual
Hewlett-Packard 400 AF VTVM manual w/schematic
Hewlett-Packard 410B RF VTVM schematic
Hewlett-Packard 606A RF signal generator manual w/schematic
Hewlett-Packard 711A Power Supply manual
Hewlett-Packard 3200B VHF oscillator operating and service manual
Hickok 752A tube tester manual
European tube settings for Hickok 752/752A above
Hickok 800 Tube Tester manual w/schematic
Jerrold 601 & 602 Sweep Frequency Generator manual w/schematic
Knight Kit KG-650 RF signal generator schematic
Leeds & Northrup 8621, 8622, 8623 Optical Pyrometers manual 
McMurdo Silver Model 905 "Sparx" signal tracer article
Palace TE-16A transitorized Test Oscillator manual w/schematic
Philco 9100 Tube Tester manual w/schematic 
Philips GM 3150 oscilloscope pictures, brochure, schematic
Philips GM 3152 oscilloscope pictures, brochure, schematic
Philips GM 5654 oscilloscope manual w/schematic (nl)
Philips GM 5655/01 oscilloscope manual w/schematic (nl)
Philips GM 655/03 oscilloscope manual w/schematic (nl)
Philips GM 6012 AF Millivoltmeter manual w/schematic
Philips GM 7633/01 "Cartomatic" III tube tester directions,schematic,card example
Philips PW 4029 regulated power supply schematic
Quan-Tech 2173-C Transistor Noise Analyzer manual w/schematic
RCA 165 "Junior VoltOhmyst" manual w/schematic
RCA WA-44C AF sine/square wave generator manual w/schematic
RCA WV-98A "Senior VoltOhmyst" manual w/schematic
RCA WV-98C "Senior VoltOhmyst" manual w/schematic
Solar Model CE "Capacitor Exam-eter" manual w/schematic
Sound Technology 1000A FM Stereo Generator manual /schematic

Sprague TO-5 Tel-Ohmike capacitor analyzer manual w/schematic
Sprague TO-6A Tel-Ohmike capacitor analyzer manual w/schematic
Stoddart NM-30A EMI Meter (20-400MHz) brochure, block diagram & schematic
Sylvania 145 Audio Oscillator schematic
Sylvania 221Z VTVM schematic
Sylvania 620 Tube Tester manual w/schematic
Tektronix - see: http://w140.com/tekwiki/wiki/Main_Page 
Tektronix 067-0502-00 standard amplitude calibrator manual w/schematic
Tektronix 067-0521-00 (also known as TU-7 and 1M1) calibration fixture schematic
Tektronix 1A1 dual-trace plug-in schematic
Tektronix 1A2 dual-trace plug-in schematic
Tektronix 1A4 quad-trace plug-in schematic
Tektronix 3A1 dual-trace plug-in schematic
Tektronix 3A2 dual-trace plug-in schematic
Tektronix 3A6 dual-trace plug-in schematic
Tektronix 3A72 dual-trace plug-in schematic
Tektronix 3A74 quad-trace plug-in schematic
Tektronix 104A square wave generator schematic
Tektronix 160A power supply schematic
Tektronix 190A Constant-Amplitude Signal Generator schematic
Tektronix 310/310A oscilloscope schematic
Tektronix 315 oscilloscope schematic
Tektronix 360 Indicator schematic
Tektronix 485 oscilloscope schematic
Tektronix 503 oscilloscope schematic
Tektronix 511AD oscilloscope schematic
Tektronix 512 oscilloscope schematic
Tektronix 513 oscilloscope schematic
Tektronix 514AD oscilloscope schematic
Tektronix 517A oscilloscope schematic
Tektronix 519 oscilloscope schematic
Tektronix 536 oscilloscope schematic
Tektronix 556 oscilloscope schematic
Tektronic 561A oscilloscope schematic
Tektronix 2215A oscilloscope service manual w/schematics
Tektronix CA dual-trace plug-in schematic
Tektronix K single-trace plug-in schematic
Tektronix L single-trace plug-in schematic
Tektronix T time base plug-in schematic
U.S. Army BC-1060-A oscilloscope schematic
U.S. Army OS-8C oscilloscope manual w/schematic
U.S. Navy TV-3/U Tube Tester manual
U.S. Military TS-505D/U VTVM schematic
Victoreen 570 r-meter manual w/schematic
Wan Yong/Dianbiao 108-1 VOM manual w/schematic (in Chinese)
Waterman S-10-A "Pocketscope" oscilloscope schematic
Weston 980 Mark II VOM specs and schematic
Heath Malmstadt-Enke Instrumentation Laboratory equipment (Thanks to Kevin Hilbiber of the House of Science, Seattle, Washington, USA for this information):
Heath EU-14A "Special Experimental Parts" specs and schematic
Heath EUW-16 Voltage Reference Source specs and schematic
Heath EUW-17 Transistor Power Supply specs and schematic
Heath EUW-19A Operational Amplifier System specs and schematic
Heath EUW-20A Servo-Recorder specs and schematic
Heath EUW-24 VTVM specs and schematic
Heath EUW-25 DC Oscilloscope specs and schematic
Heath EUP-26 VOM specs and schematic
Heath EUW-27 Sine-Square Wave Generator specs and schematic
Recommended Archive Sites:
Ebaman - Lots of test equipment manuals plus many other documents elsewhere on the site.
KO4BB Manual Directory - Test Equipment + other manuals. See this for info on KO4BB's system.
Nostalgia Air -
lots of schematics for early radios, but some test equipment is
there, too.