Catalogs, manuals and other literature from the Ampex Corporation, maker of professional tape recorders.
Ampex 300 Sales Brochure 1952 - Slick brochure touting the famous Ampex 300.
Ampex Ultra High Fidelity Tape Recorders - a 16-page brochure from the early 1950s that
covers the model 300 and 400 Ampex tape recorders, as well as their variants. Explains to the semi-technical
decision-maker why Ampex is so good.
Radio Shack touting Ampex - An advertisement from the March, 1952 Electronics magazine.
The model 400A had just been announced. Note the 307 instrument recorder (versions of the 300) and the 375
Capstan Motor Amplifier in the lower left corner.
Ampex AG-440 Brochure, Jan. 1967 - Covers the original AG-440-1, -2, -3, and -4 tape
recorders as well as the AG445 playback-only version.
Ampex AG-440-8 Brochure, Dec. 1967 - describes the first AG-440 8-track. References
previous AG-440 brochure.
Ampex AG-440 price schedule A159, Feb. 1967 - Covers AG-440-1, -2, -3, -4, AG-445 variants,
and accessories.
Ampex AG-300 Tape Recorder Brochure, April 1967 - Describes the solid-state version of the
venerable 300.
Ampex AM-10 Solid-State Mixer - 6-input, 2-channel output mixer.
Ampex AL-500 Logging Recorder - An audio recorder running at 1 7/8 or 15/16 ips, intended
for long-term audio logging.
Manuals & Schematics:
Ampex 300 schematics - The famous Ampex 300 with the "bathtub" electronics.
Ampex 351 schematics - The mid-1950s Ampex machine - used in 1, 2, 3, and 4 track
configuarations. Probably one of the best Ampex tube electronics.
Ampex 375 Oscillator and Amplifier - A stable 60 cps source for driving the synchronous
capstan motors in Ampex tape machines. Uses a tuning-fork oscillator and push-pull 807 amplifier.
Ampex AG-440 schematics - The popular solid-state recorder.
Ampex MR-70 schematics - The last tube-type Ampex machine, using Nuvistors. Rare.