Scanned books covering audio topics. Unless otherwise noted, these scans were done by John Atwood. Some links go to the Internet Archive. Listed Alphabetically by author.
Briggs 1961 A to Z in Audio - A dictionary of audio terms and ideas by G.A. Briggs, a
well-known British audio writer, and managing director for Wharfedale speakers.
Crowhurst & Cooper 1956 High Fidelity Circuit Design - Updated articles that originally
appeared in Radio-Electronics magazine covering the design and testing of hi-fi circuits.
Langham 1950 High-Fidelity Techniques (Gernsback Library No. 42) - An informal but
informative book on hi-fi technology from early in the "Golden Era".
Markell 1959 Designing and Building Hi-Fi Furniture - Back in an era where a hi-fi
system was furniture. List of chapters: Equipment, The room, Fundamentals of design, Furniture styles, Materials,
Construction, Finishing hi-fi furniture, Retouch repair and refinishing.
Olson 1943 Dynamical Analogies - This book by Harry Olson, of RCA, makes mathematical
analogies between electrical, mechanical rectilinear, mechanical rotational, and acoustic systems, allowing
knowledge of solving one type of system to solve other systems.
Robin & Lipman 1947 Practical Amplifier Diagrams - "45 Proven Circuits for the Technician
and Experimenter!". From a 1 tube, 1 Watt amplifier to an 11 tube, 75 Watt amplifier, plus a section on servicing
Sunier 1960 The Story of Stereo 1881- - A description of stereo technology, followed by a
detailed history, starting with Clement Ader's 1881 "Improvements of Telephone Equipments for Theatres".