The RCA "Licensee Bulletins" (also known as "Booklets") were sent to licensees of the RCA patent pool. They were mostly papers describing recent technology advances developed at the RCA Laboratories. Some verged on the theoretical, but most were practically-oriented, describing specific circuits or equipment that would interest the licensees. The bulletins here cover the years 1950 to 1957.
The Licensee Patent Bulletins are summaries of new or expired patents in the RCA patent pool. Note that patents from other companies show up here, due to cross-licensing arrangements. Summary abstracts of new patents are given. To view or download the full patents, you can go to Google Patents and type in the patent number.
Another batch of Licensee Bulletins from the Von Campbell collection has been discovered, and added here - note the 6/20 date.LB-803 Gaseous Discharge Noise Sources for SHF/p>
LB-804 A High-Performance Transistor with Wide Spacing Between Contacts/p>
LB-805 Effects of Contact Pressure on Transistor Gain/p>
LB-806 Licensee Patent Bulletin 50-3/p>
LB-809 Geometrical Considerations of an RCA Tri-Color Kinescope/p>
LB-812 An Automatic Nonlinear Distortion Analyzer/p>
LB-815 A Center-Tuning Circuit for FM Detectors/p>
LB-816 Coaxial Line Triple-Tuned UHF Tuner
LB-818 An Unobtrusive Dynamic Pressure Microphone/p>
LB-820 A Laboratory Approach to the Reduction TV Receiver Chassis Radiation from the Local Oscillator
LB-821 Licensee Patent Bulletin 50-4/p>
LB-822 Manufacture of an RCA Developmental 3-Gun Tricolor Kinescope/p>
LB-823 A Noise-Inversion Circuit for Improved Noise Immunity in TV Receivers/p>
LB-824 Use of New Low-Noise Twin Triode in TV Tuners
LB-825 Columbate Dielectrics/p>
LB-826 A Tristimulus Photometer/p>
LB-827 A High-Voltage Cold-Cathode Rectifier/p>
LB-828 Remote Control for Television Receivers
LB-829 A Bandpass Mechanical Filter for 100 kc/p>
LB-830 A 45-Degree Reflection-Type Color Kinescope/p>
LB-831 On Extending the Operating Voltage Range of Electron Tube Heaters/p>
LB-835 An Electronic Thickness Gauge for Very Thin Metal Foils/p>
LB-836 TV Receiver Signal Circuits and AGC Considerations for Impulse Noise Immunity
LB-837 Tests of Means for Reducing Visibility of Line Structure on TV Receivers/p>
LB-838 A Color Synchronization Circuit for RCA Color System TV Receivers/p>
LB-840 A Calibrated Continuously-Variable Sampling-Wave Phase Shifter/p>
LB-844 The Plasmatron a Continuously-Controllable Gas-Discharge Developmental Tube/p>
LB-845 Compound Direct Radiator Loudspeaker/p>
LB-848 Elimination of Moire Effects in Tri-Color Kinescopes/p>
LB-849 A Method of Improving the Electrical and Mechanical Stability of Point-Contact Transistors/p>
LB-850 The Decay and Recovery of the Pulsed Emission of the Oxide-Coated Cathode/p>
LB-851 An Industrial Television System/p>
LB-852 Electronic Overload Protection Circuit for Sensitive Current Meters/p>
LB-853 Interlaced Sampling-Signal Generator
LB-853A Modification of Interlaced Sampling-Signal Generator
LB-854 Performance of the Vidicon a Small Developmental TV Camera Tube/p>
LB-855 Frequency Control of Modulated Magnetrons by Resonant Injection System/p>
LB-856 Design Data for Horizontal Rhombic Antennas/p>
LB-859 A Video Test Signal Generator/p>
LB-861 Heater-Cathode Leakage Hum Reduction by Means of a Shielded Heater/p>
LB-862 A Survey of Transistor Development/p>
LB-863 A Crystal Ringing Circuit for Color Synchonization/p>
LB-865 Transistor Oscillators/p>
LB-866 Noise Factor Considerations and Measurement Techniques at UHF/p>
LB-870 Junction Transistor Equivalent Circuits and Vacuum Tube Analogy/p>
LB-871 Dynamic Test Set for Transistors/p>
LB-872 Balance Measurements on Balun Transformers - errata added to page 2 /p>
LB-875 Transistor Trigger Circuits/p>
LB-876 Noise Factor Measurements of Transistors/p>
LB-877 Deflection Systems with Regulated Kickback HV Supplies for Tri-Color Kinescopes/p>
LB-878 A Vestigal Sideband Filter/p>
LB-879 Rhombic Antennas For UHF Television/p>
LB-881 Determination of Orientation and Deformation of Germanium Crystals/p>
LB-883 A Sweep Method for Measuring Envelope Delay/p>
LB-884 Some Applications of Permanently Magnetized Ferrite Magnetostrictive Resonators/p>
LB-885 Electrical Measurements on Germanium/p>
LB-886 Low-Temperature Electrical Measurements on Semiconductors/p>
LB-887 Reflexed Intercarrier Sound/p>
LB-889 Application of Linear Active 4-Terminal Network Theory to Transistors/p>
LB-891 Laboratory Equipment for Germanium Purification/p>
LB-892 Preparation of Single Crystals of Ge and Si/p>
LB-893 Experimentally Determined Radiation Characteristics of Conical and Triangular Antennas/p>
LB-894 Ceramic-Metal Seals of the Tungsten-Iron Type
LB-896 Resistivity Striations in Single-Crystal Ge/p>
LB-897 Methods of Processing Ag-Mg Secondary Emitters for Electron Tubes/p>
LB-898 Progress Report on Transistor Research and Circuit Applications/p>
LB-899 Theoretical Resistivity and Hall Coefficient of Impure Ge Near Room Temperature/p>
LB-902 Design Considerations for Series Heater Strings in TV Receivers
LB-903 A Germanium NPN Junction Transistor by the Alloy Process/p>
LB-904 Licensee Patent Bulletin 52-4/p>
LB-905 Power Junction Transistors by the Alloy Process - errata added to page 2 /p>
LB-906 Symmetrical Properties of Transistors and Their Applications/p>
LB-907 A Study of Transistor Circuits for TV Receivers/p>
LB-908 Factors in the Design of Point-Contact Transistors/p>
LB-909 The Application of Transistor to an Industrial TV Sychronizing Generator/p>
LB-910 Circuits for Reception of NTSC (Feb. 2, 1953) Color TV Signals
LB-911 A UHF Balun.pdf
LB-912 Licensee Patent Bulletin 53-1/p>
LB-913 A Vidicon Camera Adaptor for Television Receivers/p>
LB-914 A Symmetrical Transistor Phase Detector for Horizontal Synchronization/p>
LB-915 A PNP Triode Alloy Junction Transistor for RF Amplification/p>
LB-916 The Variation of Current Gain with Junction Shape and Surface Recombination in Alloy Transistors/p>
LB-917 On the Variation of Junction Transistor Current-Amplification Factor with Emitter Current/p>
LB-918 Circuit Diagram-RCA Developmental Color TV Receiver/p>
LB-919 An Experimental Transistor Personal Broadcast Receiver/p>
LB-920 Licensee Patent Bulletin 53-2/p>
LB-921 A Capacitive Tuned UHF Tuner/p>
LB-922 Continuous-Process Apparatus for Growing Single-Crystal Ge/p>
LB-923 Modulated Transistor Oscillators and their Applications/p>
LB-924 A Delay Equalizer for Color TV/p>
LB-925 RCA Developmental Color Television Receiver/p>
LB-926 Recrystalization of Germanium from Indium Solutions/p>
LB-927 A Series Noise Inverter for TV Receiver Impulse-Noise Immunity
LB-928 Improving the Transient Response of Television Receivers/p>
LB-929 Licensee Patent Bulletin 53-3/p>
LB-930 Design of Video-Amplifier Peaking Circuits for Optimum Transient Response
LB-931 Miniature IF Transformers/p>
LB-932 A Colorplexer for the Generation of Color TV Signals/p>
LB-933 Measurement of Sweep and Video Circuit Interference Influence of TV Receivers on AM Receivers
LB-934 Measurement of Minority Carrier Lifetime and Surface Effects in Junction Devices/p>
LB-936 Investigation of UHF Television Amplifier Tubes
LB-939 The Tacitron A low-Noise Thyratron/p>
LB-940 HF Operation of P-Type Point-Contact Transistors/p>
LB-941 A Switched-Zone Furnace for Germanium Purification/p>
LB-942 Licensee Patent Bulletin 54-1/p>
LB-944 Studies of the Interface Layer in Oxide Cathodes/p>
LB-946 Factors in the Design of Keyed Clamping Circuits
LB-947 A Study of the Etching Rate of Germanium/p>
LB-948 Microscopic Examination of Germanium Crystals and Transistors/p>
LB-949 Some Properties of Ge-Si Alloy Semiconductors/p>
LB-950 Design of IF Amplifiers for Color Television Receivers
LB-951 Color Subcarrier Frequency Measurement Equipment/p>
LB-952 A Silicon NPN Junction Transistor by the Alloy Process/p>
LB-953 The Effective Surface Recombination of a Ge Surface/p>
LB-954 Licensee Patent Bulletin-Farnsworth Patents/p>
LB-955 Licensee Patent Bulletin 54-2/p>
LB-956 Saturation Current in Alloy Junctions/p>
LB-957 A Developmental Pocket-Size Broadcast Receiver/p>
LB-958 An Experimental Automobile Receiver Employing Transistors/p>
LB-959 High-Level Triode Color Demodulator/p>
LB-960 A Convergence Circuit for the RCA Developmental 21-Inch Color Kinescope/p>
LB-961 An Analysis of the Bifilar-T Trap Circuit/p>
LB-962 A Simplified High-Performance 21-inch Develpmental Color TV Receiver
LB-963 Comparative HF Operation of Junction Transistors Made of Different Semiconductor Materials/p>
LB-964 Investigations of Noise in AF Amplifiers Using Junction Transistors/p>
LB-965 Licensee Patent Bulletin 54-3/p>
LB-968 Selectivity and Transient Response Synthesis/p>
LB-969 Licensee Patent Bulletin 54-4/p>
LB-972 Unusual Assembly Methods Used in Developing a New Thyratron/p>
LB-973 Technique Fabrication Small Cylindrical Grids if Novel Design for Use in Pencil Tubes/p>
LB-974 Transistorized Sync Separator Circuits for TV Receivers/p>
LB-975 Class B Operation of AF Junction Transistors/p>
LB-978 An Experimental High-Speed Photo-Resist Technique for Printed Circuits/p>
LB-985 Transistor Fabrication by the Melt-Quench Process/p>
LB-988 Alloyed Junction Type NPN Germanium-Silicon Transistors/p>
LB-1002 Improvements in Color Kinescopes Through Optical Analogy/p>
LB-1004 Miniature Loudspeakers for Personal Radio Receivers
LB-1005 A Variable-Capacitance Germanium Junction Diode for UHF/p>
LB-1012 A 20-Watt Transistor Audio Amplifier/p>
LB-1021 Design Considerations in Class B Complimentary Symmetry Circuits/p>
LB-1022 Transistor Audio Amplifiers/p>
LB-1025 Equipment for Displaying Transistor Characteristics/p>
LB-1026 Focusing-Grill Color Kinescopes/p>
LB-1029 Recent Improvements in the 21AXP22 Color Kinescope/p>
LB-1032 Design Considerations in the First Stage of Transistor Receivers/p>
LB-1033 Field-Intensity Measuerments on Induction-Heating Equipment ·/p>
LB-1034 Growth of Silicon Crystals for Transistor Applications/p>
LB-1035 Transistorized High Voltage Oscillator Power Supply/p>
LB-1036 Crystal Puller of Czochralski Type for Ge or Si with 60 Cycle 3-Phase Heater/p>
LB-1037 The Soldered Transistor/p>
LB-1040 IF Transistor Construction and Production/p>
LB-1042 Transistor Input Stage for Phonograph Pickups/p>
LB-1043 The Tricolor Vidicon a Developmental Camera Tube for Color TV/p>
LB-1044 Simultaneous Signal Separation in the Tricolor Vidicon/p>
LB-1045 A Drift Transistor for High Frequency Applications/p>
LB-1049 A Miniature Vidicon of High Sensitivity/p>
LB-1050 Transistorized TV Cameras Using the Miniature Vidicon ·/p>
LB-1051 An Improved Low-Capacitance Probe/p>
LB-1052 Large-Area Germanium Power Transistors/p>
LB-1053 Uni-Pressure Microphone/p>
LB-1054 A 6-Transistor Portable Receiver Employing a Complementary Symmetry Output Stage/p>
LB-1055 Reduction of Co-Channel TV Interference by Precise Frequency Control of TV Picture Carriers/p>
LB-1056 Thermal Stability of Junction Transistors and its Effect on Maximum Power Dissipation/p>
LB-1057 Concentric-Shear Mode 455KC Electromechanical Filter/p>
LB-1058 Microwave Noise Source Modulator and Power Supply/p>
LB-1060 Design Considerations of TV Antenna-Multiplex Systems/p>
LB-1061 Analysis of Transistor Oscillators for Broadcast Receivers/p>
LB-1062 A Monostable Multivibrator Circuit Using Complementary Transistors/p>
LB-1063 Envelope Distortion in Transistor-Tuned Amplifiers/p>
LB-1064 Spreading of Indium over Ge Surfaces in the Alloy Process/p>
LB-1067 A Constant-Input-Impedance RF Amplifier for VHF TV Receivers/p>
LB-1068 Galactic Noise-An Important Consideration of VHF TV Tuners/p>
LB-1069 Design Considerations for Direct-Coupled Transistor Amplifiers/p>
LB-1070 A Transistorized Horizontal-Deflection System/p>
LB-1071 Transistor Receiver Video Amplifiers ·/p>
LB-1072 Circuit Considerations for Audio-Output Stages Using Power Transistors/p>
LB-1073 Influence of Surface Oxidation on acb of Germanium PNP Transistors/p>
LB-1074 Methods for Determining AM Rejection Performance of FM Detectors/p>
LB-1075 A Transistorized FM Sound Detector Circuit for TV Receivers/p>
LB-1077 The Equivalent Circuit of the Drift Transistor/p>
LB-1078 The Thyristor-A New High-Speed Switching Transistor/p>
LB-1079 An Investigation of Cross Modulation in Heterodyne Interferences in Transistor IF Amplifiers/p>
LB-1080 Transistor Switching Performance from Characteristic Curves/p>
LB-1081 A Basic Tester for Transistors/p>
LB-1082 High-Power Transistor Audio Amplifiers/p>
LB-1083 A Phase-Regulated Transistor Power Supply/p>
LB-1084 A Carrier Energized Bi-Stable Circuit Using Variable-Capacitance Diodes/p>
LB-1085 Design Considerations of Transistorized Picture IF Amplifiers/p>
LB-1086 FM System Based on Synthesized Wave and Phase-Shift Detection/p>