Standardizing Notices were RCA's official manufacturing instructions. They were very carefully kept up-to-date through a document control system, and were distributed under strict control, since these were the "crown jewels". Nearly all the Standardizing Notices at this site were given to GE under licensing agreements, and were not kept up-to-date. Since these came from GE's CRT Department, they all are for specific CRT designs or processes related to them, unless otherwise noted.
Standardizing Notices are hierarchical, with top level pages referring to details on lower-level pages.
SN 34-14-4F Cleaning or Cleaning & Annealing Ribbon and Wire - Procedure for cleaning molybdenum ribbon.
SN 34-14-4N Cathode Ether Washing - Initially used for cathodes for: 2E26, 3D33, 3B29, 829B, 6BG6G, 715C, 802, 815, 832A, 837, 843, and 1625.
SN 34-14-5A Cathode Spraying Processes - Very long (80 pages) set of procedures for spraying oxides on cathodes. Numerous graphs relating volume of coating with thickness for various cathode geometries. Many schedules for specific tube types.
SN 34-14-5F Processing Cathode-Ray Tube Cathodes - Four different schedules for coating CRT cathodes.
SN 34-14-5G Coated Cathode Salvaging - Note the different schedules for different plants.
SN 34-14-5H Heater-Cathode Impregnation - "Herein standardized is a process for the impregnation of heater-cathodes with a thorium nitrate solution paste. Initially used for magnetrons."
SN 34-14-12C Cataphoretic Coating of Folded Heaters - "This specification applies to the process of coating the apex of folded heaters." Two different schedules.
SN 34-14-13C Applying Insulating Coating to Filaments by Hand Spray - Detailed (12 pages) procedures for coating helical and V- and M-shaped folded filaments.
SN 34-14-13D Coating Coiled Filaments by Machine Process - Schedule guidelines for machine coating filaments.
SN 34-14-13M Coiled Heater Coating - Modification of SN 34-14-13D, initially used for types 5691 and 5692.
SN 34-14-13N Heater Coiled Coating - Beefing-up the heater for the 6S4 tube.
SN 34-14-15A Ribbon Rolling Process - "The process of rolling wire into ribbon is herein described." Six pages.
SN 34-14-17A Metal Mandrel Dissolving - Four schedules for disolving copper, brass, steel, and molybdenum mandrels from helical coils (coiled filaments).
SN 34-14-38A Coiled Heater Firing - "Firing removes residual oxide impurities from the wire and tends to eliminate strains, but if not carefully performed, may produce brittleness."
SN 34-14-38C Setting Single Helical Coils on Mandrel - "Purpose of setting coils is to hold them to the specified sizes respective of length, T.P.I. etc.,and also to minimize waviness after winding."
SN 34-14-61 Coating Coiled Filaments by Machine - Schedules for 3D22, 914A, and 2E24.
SN 34-14-65 Tank Spraying of Cathodes - Used for 829B, 3E29, and 832A.
SN 34-14-71 Roll Test Procedure for Heaters - "Initially used for cathode-ray tube double helical wound heaters to determine for undesireable soft coating." Includes mechanical drawings of test plates.
SN 34-14-71A Heater Cathode Surge Test - "Apply across heater-cathode a negative potential of -500 volts for an intermittent test with heater on 17 seconds and off 37 seconds for 2000 cycles."
SN 34-14-72A Molding & Sintering Matrix Cathodes - Initially for type 5946.
SN 34-14-72B Cathodes Matrix Molding & Sintering - Initially for type 6181.
SN 34-14-72C Molding & Sintering Matrix Cathode - Initially for develpment type A2504.
SN 34-14-75 Preparation of Coarse Nickel Powder - "This specification covers the process of sintering and pulverizing fine particle size carbonyl nickel powder to form a coarse powder suitable for matrix cathodes in such types as the 725A magnetron."
SN 34-15-4A Purification of Rare Gasses in Arcing Bottle - "When rare gas is purchased in a tank, it is necessary to purify the gas before it is to be used for the filling of tubes. This purification is accomplished by the use of 33-M-47 misch metal and an arc discharge from it. Impurities in the gas, such as O2, N2, and H2, etc., are removed during the arcing by combining with the rare earth metal constituents of misch metal to form stable compounds."
SN 34-15-5A Ribbon Channeling and Getter Coating Process - "A machine process for forming a channel in a metal ribbon as molybdenum, depositing a getter coating in the channel and drying the coating is standard."
SN 34-16-2A Cementing Mount Parts Together - "Procedure for fastening metal parts such as grids, plates and supports to ceramic rods in mount assemblies for cathode ray tubes is herein standardized."
SN 34-16-2B Mount Beading - Procedure for joining cathode ray mount parts by beading.
SN 34-16-3A Mount Alignment Cathode Ray Tube Mounts - Procedure for checking alignment of cathode ray tube mounts in a rotary chuck.
SN 34-16-5A Measurement & Selection of Cathode Assemblies & Grid Assemblies for CRTs - Procedures for measuring spacing of elements in cathode ray tube assemblies. Methods are: mechanical, electrical, and microsopic.
SN 34-16-5B Assembly & Inspection of Electron Guns - Initially for image orthicons. Includes X-Ray inspection.
SN 34-16-7A Processing Precautions-Tube Mounting - General precautions to keep cathode ray mounting operations clean and dust-free.
SN 34-16-9A Speed Nut Getter Assly Insertion on Contact Button - Initially used with getter assemblies FZ402K and FZ402L.
SN 34-16-800 Cleaning of Ceramic Mount Part - By the use of nitric acid.
SN 34-17-2C Checking Fluorescent Screens for Quality & Color in Bulbs - "Checking the quality and color of fluorescent screens in cathode-ray tube bulbs after application of screen material and after application of black conductive coating."
SN 34-17-2D Application of Fluorescent Coating - For the 913 cathode ray tube.
SN 34-17-2E Final Bulb Inspection - General procedure for checking the quality of kinescopes.
SN 34-17-3A Punching Glass Bulbs by Machine - Making the hole in the glass to hold the 2nd anode connector.
SN 34-17-4A Bulb Washing by Hand-Cathode Ray - An alternative to automatic washing.
SN 34-17-4H Bulb Washing - Initially used for C73019B.
SN 34-17-4J Bulb Washing by Machine-Cathode-Ray - Procedure for machine-washing cathode-ray bulbs
SN 34-17-4K Bulb Washing by Hand-Cathode-Ray - A different hand-washing procedure. Schedule 2 (for Marion plant) is missing.
SN 34-17-4L Bulb Cleaning-Cathode Ray Tubes - Initially for color projection types C73195, C73196, and C73197.
SN 34-17-4M Bulb Washing by Hand-Cathode-Ray - Six schedules for removing the screen and graphite coating from bulbs of salvaged tubes.
SN 34-17-4P Bulb Cleaning-Cathode Ray - "This specification covers the process for cleaning silicates from necks and faceplates at the Cathode-Ray Tube Factory." Note different schedules for Lancaster and Marion.
SN 34-17-4Q Bulb Washing-Cathode Ray - "This specification applies to the cleaning of bulbs immediately before lehr loading."
SN 34-17-5C Sealing Windows to Metal Bulbs - This is for the 913 metal CRT.
SN 34-17-5F Sealing of Anode Lead-Button Contact - Procedure for sealing 2nd anode assemblies into cathode ray bulbs.
SN 34-17-5G RF Sealing In Button Contact - Procedure for puching hole in bulb and then sealing-in the 2nd anode connector by the use of RF heating.
SN 34-17-11 Applying Conductive Coating to Bulbs - "The standard process for applying conductive coating to the inside of kinescopes, oscilloscopes and monscopes is herein given." Nine pages.
SN 34-17-11D Applying Connector Coating to Second Anode Leads - Procedure for coating around 2nd anode leads in cathode-ray tubes.
SN 34-17-12A Coating Bulbs Externally with Iridescent Conductive Coating - -comment-
SN 34-17-12B Application of Iridescent Coating - "Initially used to coat lime glass bulb for type 2040."
SN 34-17-12C Application of Iridescent Coating - Procedure for applying a transparent, iridescent, and electrically conductive coating to vidicon glass bulbs.
SN 34-17-14 Settling Fluorescent Screens-Equip - Set-up and use of equipment to settle fluorescent screens.
SN 34-17-14A Settling P1 Fluorescent Screens - Schedules for settling P1 phosphors.
SN 34-17-14D Settling P4 Fluorescent Screens - Schedules for settling P4 phosphors, with details for specific tube types. Eleven pages.
SN 34-17-14E Settling P5 Fluorescent Screens - -Schedule for settling P5 phosphors.
SN 34-17-14G Settling P7 Fluorescent Screens - Schedules for settling P7 phosphors. Includes details for specific tube types.
SN 34-17-14L Settling P11 Fluorescent Screens - Schedules for settling P11 phosphors. Includes details for specific tube types.
SN 34-17-14M Settling P12 Fluorescent Screens - Schedule for settling P12 phosphors.
SN 34-17-14P Settling P14 Fluorescent Screens - Schedule for settling P14 phosphors. Includes details for specific tube types.
SN 34-17-14Q Settling P15 Fluorescent Screens - Schedules for settling P15 phosphors.
SN 34-17-14R Settling P16 Fluorescent Screens - Schedules for settling P16 phosphors.
SN 34-17-15D Settling P4 Fluorescent Screens - Developmental schedule for settling P4 phosphors.
SN 34-17-15G Settling P7 Fluorescent Screens - Developmental schedule for settling P7 phosphors.
SN 34-17-15L Settling P11 Fluorescent Screens - Development shop procedure for settling P11 phosphors. (empty - reserved)
SN 34-17-15U Settling Calcium Magnesium Silicate - Development shop procedure for settling calcium magnesium silicate.
SN 34-17-16 Preparation of Sulfate Solution - Industrial process for preparing sulphate-type phosphors. Note different procedures for Lancaster and Marion.
SN 34-17-16A Preparation of Silicate Solution - Industrial process for preparing silicate-type phosphors. Note different procedures for Lancaster and Marion.
SN 34-17-16B Phosphor Approval Tests - Initially for all-sulfide phosphor for 16AP4.
SN 34-17-16C Preparation of Deionized Water - Procedures for running and maintaining the de-ionizer at the Lancaster Powerhouse.
SN 34-17-16D Operation of Stills & Deinonizers - Procedure for running still at the Lancaster Powerhouse.
SN 34-17-16E Operation of Stainless Steel Filters - Procedures on the use and maintenance of stainless steel filters used for deionized and distilled water.
SN 34-17-16F Operation of Barnstead Stills - Operation of the Barnstead DE-200 still.
SN 34-17-25 Pressure Testing of 12DP7 Clear Glass Bulb - "Test to be made after bead inserted and neck spliced, but before washing and screening."
SN 34-17-25A Pressure Testing Cathode-Ray Tubes & Bulbs <- As it says.
SN 34-17-37A Seal Leak Testing - Initially used for detecting button seal leaks in cathode ray tubes.
34-17-37B Stem & Button Seal Leak Testing - Procedure for testing for leaks in stem and button seals in salvaged bulbs.
SN 34-17-38 Glass Annealing-With the Continuous Glass Lehr - Operation and maintenance of the Continuous Glass Lehr.
SN 34-17-62 Application of Insulating and Conductive Coating - Nine schedules for applying the external conductive coating to cathode ray tubes.
SN 34-17-62A Application of Resist Coating - Procedure for applying photo resist coatings used in tri-color kinescope bulbs.
SN 34-17-64 Bulb Neck Alignment & Face Tilt - Factory and published limits.
34-17-66 Contact-Coating Continuity Check Procedure - Simple circuit for testing continuity from inner coating to 2nd anode connector.
SN 34-17-67 Tube Washing and Coating - Process of machine washing and coating exterior surfaces of completed tubes just prior to packing. Only for Lancaster plant.
SN 34-17-70 Preparing Cathode-Ray Bulbs for Reuse - Empty - replaced by SN 20-17K-600.
SN 34-17-72 Wire-Brushing Anode Contact Area - "This specification covers the process for wire-brushing the sealing rim of metal kinescopes to remove oxides in order to insure a good electrical connection for the anode high voltage. A corrosion resistant finish is uncovered which does not require an application of conductive coating."
SN 34-17-73 Blasting Metal Cones - Process for aluminum oxide blasting of chrome iron metal cone sealing surfaces.
SN 34-17-74 Cleaning Metal Bulb Cones - Initially for 16AP4.
SN 34-17-75 Removal of External Bulb Coatings - Four schedules for removing external coatings of salvaged cathode-ray tubes.
SN 34-17-81 Treatment of Glass Bulb Defects - "This process applies to the method of milling, buffing and polishing glass defects on all glass bulbs (Marion Only)."
SN 34-17-83 Application of External Coating - Applying decorative and conductive coatings to the cold-rolled steel shell used in later metal kinescopes.
SN 34-17-84 Application of Coating to Faceplate of CR Tubes - Procedure of applying an antiglare coating to the face plate of cathode ray tubes.
SN 34-17-85 Settling Mangnesium Tungstate Fluorescent Screens - Schedule for settling magnesium tungstate phosphors.
SN 34-17-85B Settling Zinc Phosphate Fluorescent Screens - Schedule for settling zinc phosphate phosphors.
SN 34-17-86 Exposing Resist Coating - "This specification applies to the process of exposing and developing the photo-resist coating on the face plate of the tri-color kinescope after each phosphor has been settled."
SN 34-17-86A Exposing Slurry Coating - "This specification applies to the process of exposing the phosphor slurry coating on the face plate to the color kinescope screen after each phosphor slurry coating has been applied."
SN 34-17-87 Silicate Spraying of Faceplates - Procedure for spraying face plates with potassium silicate solution.
SN 34-17-88 Developing Exposed Screen - "This specification applies to the process of developing the exposed resist coating applied to the faceplate of the color kinescope screen."
SN 34-17-89 Final Mask Insertion and Alignment - "This specification applies to the process of final mask insertion and alignment check prior to the faceplate cone welding operation on the color kinescope."
SN 34-17-800 Contact-Coating Continuity Check - Simple circuit for testing continuity from inner coating to 2nd anode connector (Marion only).