Standardizing Notices were RCA's official manufacturing instructions. They were very carefully kept up-to-date through a document control system, and were distributed under strict control, since these were the "crown jewels". Nearly all the Standardizing Notices at this site were given to GE under licensing agreements, and were not kept up-to-date. Since these came from GE's CRT Department, they all are for specific CRT designs or processes related to them, unless otherwise noted.
Standardizing Notices are hierarchical, with top level pages referring to details on lower-level pages.
SN 34-18-3A Sealing Procedures - Cathode-Ray Tubes - Sealing methods for early (pre-war) CRTs.
SN 34-18-3B Main Seal Welding of Cathode-Ray Tubes - Sealing by metal welding, such as in the 913.
SN 34-18-3D Main Sealing - Sealing stem to glass CRT neck. Intended for 16AP4. Detailed.
SN 34-18-8A Sealing Second Anode Lead Assemblies - Sealing wire-type 2nd anode lead.
SN 34-18-9A Neck to Bulb Splicing of 2nd Anode Lead - Sealing of neck to bulb of a specific CRT (not identified).
SN 34-18-71 Sealing Procedures - For Metal C-R - Sealing glass faceplate to metal cone - meant for 21AP4.
SN 34-18-74A Main Seal Strain Determination - Procedure for analyzing strain in button-base stems after sealing using a polariscope.
SN 34-19-25A Cathode Ray Tube Rotary Exhaust - Complete procedure for exhausting CRTs on rotary exhaust machines. Includes procedures for measuring vacuum and testing for gas.
SN 34-19-33A Use of Solid CO2 (Dry Ice) and Liquid Air - Descriptions of cold traps using dry ice or liquid air.
SN 34-19-61 Measuring Cathode-Ray Exhaust Temperatures - Thermocouple placement in rotary exhaust system.
SN 34-22-4A Blasting with Steel Grit - Procedure for using steel grit to clean or roughen surfaces.
SN 34-22-14 Heater-Cathode Surge Test - Stress test for heater-cathode interface.
SN 34-24-2A Basing Process - Procedure for cementing base to tube. Includes QA tests.
SN 34-24-3A Capping Process - Procedure for cementing cap to tube. Includes QA tests.
SN 34-24-3B Capping Process - Pickup Tubes - Special procedure for cementing caps to the 1840 and 1850A iconoscopes.
SN 34-24-5A Soldering Processes for Caps and Base Pins <- As the title says.
SN 34-24-6A Alignment of Bases on Cathode-Ray Tubes - Marking base and tube to insure proper orientation.
SN 34-24-60A Soldering Caps and Base Pins - More procedures for soldering base pins and caps. Includes procedures for 21AXP22 and C73685P.
SN 34-24-61 Capping Process-Cathode Ray Tubes - Newer process for soldering caps - one for hard glass, the other for soft glass.
SN 34-24-63 Basing Process - Processes for cementing the bases to: 7NP4, 7WP4, 1855, 5ZP16, 5WP11, 5TP4, 5AUP24, and C73394A tubes.
SN 34-24-67 Pressure Leak Test of Recessed Cavity Caps - This is for the contact button type of 2nd anode connection.
SN 34-24-800 Basing Cement Approval Tests <- As the title says.
SN 34-26-1 Cobalt-Nickel-Iron (Fernico & Kovar) Parts Treatment - Treatment before use.
SN 34-26-2 Treatment of Chrome Iron Cones - How to work metal CRT cones.
SN 34-29-1 Lubricants for Materials Formed into Parts - The use of various lubricants in forming vacuum tube parts. Note the caution on using soaps.
SN 34-29-1A Approved Lubricants for Materials Formed into Parts <- As the title says.
SN 34-33-55 Preparation of Deionized Water - Large-scale preparation of deionized water for settling fluorescent screens.
SN 34-33-56 Phosphor Approval Tests - Test for all-sulfide phosphor for 16AP4. Note the different tests for Lancaster, Pa. and Marion, Indiana.
SN 34-33-56A Testing Concentration of Phosphor Solids in Screen Settling Suspensions - Two methods of measuring the concentration of phosphors in liquid.
SN 34-33L-15 Lotion for Hands <- As the title says.
SN 34-34-2B Process for Blasting Surfaces with Abrasive Materials - Etching metal or glass with silicon carbide grains or steel grit.
SN 34-34-4A Reclaiming Mercury - Construction of and usage of an automatic still for purifying mercury.
SN 34-34-4B Purification of Hydrogen by Removing Oxygen and Moisture - Process to purify hydrogen. The second page has been replaced by a hand-written reference to "PRK34S", which is the next notice, 34-34-7A.
SN 34-34-7A Dessicator Maintenance - Usage and maintenance of a desiccator.
SN 34-34-9A Electropolishing - Three diferent schedules for electropolishing stainless steel, nickel and nichrome parts.
SN 34-34-9B Cathode Electropolishing - "Process herein has been found to improve emission." Tubes listed for electropolishing are: 6AK5, 6J6, Acorn, Midget, 2D21, 9005, 6F4, 6J4, 1644, and 6AK6.
SN 34-34-9D Electropolishing - An electropolishing process for use on monel anode cylinders as used in the 912.
SN 34-34-11A Acid Etching-with 4-5-6 Solution - "Initially used to provide a semi-matte finish on molybdenum strip to be used in the form of power tube plates to increase radiation and improve adherence of zirconium spray."
SN 34-34-11B Washing Metal Strip - Mechanism and process for cleaning nickel and acid-etched steel strip.
SN 34-34-12A Spraying Metal Tubes with Black Heat-Resistant Coating - Detailed process for painting metal tubes in large quantities.
SN 34-34-16A Beading Button Contact Assembly - Wetting button contact with glass to improve adherence.
SN 34-34-16B Beading Button Contact Assembly - Somewhat more involved process than SN 34-34-16A for wetting button contact with glass. Initially used for 5TP4, 7DP4, and 10BP4.
SN 34-34-20A Removal of Carborundum from Glass - Carborundum particles result in cloudy seals. This process is used to dissolve the carborundum or other foreign particles by the use of hot KOH.
SN 34-34-20B Removal of Carborumdum from Glass Cut on Water Wheel - Using ammonium bifluoride to clean freshly-cut glass.
SN 34-34-22 Application of Conductive Coating to Ceramics - "Initially used to apply adherent metallic coating to ceramics to which metal parts can be brazed."
SN 34-34-38B Glass Strain Standards - Estimating the glass strain using a polariscope. Originally set up for the 829 and 832 tubes.
SN 34-34-62 Metal Cleaning Schedules - Detailed schedules for cleaning, polishing, and stripping the following metals: copper, moly, nickel, tantalum, tungsten, steel kovar, cadmium and silver.
SN 34-34-65 Tumble Finishing of Parts and Assemblies - General process tumble deburring, polishing, and cleaning metal parts.
SN 34-34-74 Electrocleaning-Alkaline Cleaner - General process for electrocleaning using a proprietary alkaline cleaner.
SN 34-36-1 Sampling Procedure for Solutions - How to get consistent liquid samples for quantities of 25 gallons or more.
SN 34-36-1A Carbonate Removal from Plating Baths - Two methods for removing precipitating carbonates from cyanide plating or strike baths.
SN 34-36-8G Yellow Gold Plating - Process spec for standard yellow gold plating using alkali cyanide salts of gold.
SN 34-36-60 Cyanide Copper Plating - "This specification covers the conventional cyanide copper plating process known as DuPont "Coppralyte", Potassium Formulation, Plating Process."
SN 34-36-60B Cyanide Copper Strike - Process spec for cyanide copper strike process using the same system of SN 34-36-60, above.
SN 34-36-64 Dull Nickel Plating <- As the title says. Has five schedules for specific tube parts.
SN 34-36-66 Silver Plating - Three different schedules for silver plating for specific tube parts. The first three pages appear to be missing.
SN 34-36-68 Yellow Gold Plating - More detailed process spec than in SN 34-36-8G, with five different schedules for specific tube types.
SN 34-37-2B Test for Nitrates in Carbonates - A quick test for the amount of nitrates in the final wash water when washing carbonates.
SN 34-37-2C Porosity Test for Nickel Plating on Iron or Steel - "Initially used for nickel plating on iron and steel base pins and shells."
SN 34-37-2F Test for Chloride Contamination on Parts <- As the title says.
SN 34-37-2G Test for Total Solids <- As the title says.
SN 34-37-3A Volumetric Density Determination for Carbonates - "A method of obtaining the volumetric density of loosely packed carbonates is hearby given."
SN 34-37-5A Tests to Distinguish Chromium-Bearing & Chromium-Free Alloys - Testing for magnetism in a variety of alloys in both cold-rolled and annealed state.
SN 34-37-6A Process of Determining Amount of Activators Deposited in Bulbs - "A method for determining the amount of activator, such as cesium and rubidium, which has been deposited in a bulb is herein standardized."
SN 34-37-6B Test for Gas Control of Tube Elements and Getters <- As the title says.
SN 34-37-7B Electrical Testing of Base Material - Procedure for measuring: dielectric constant, dielectric power factor, dielectric loss factor, and capacitance of base shell materials. Note the different set-ups for Harrison and Lancaster.
SN 34-37-9A Test for Moisture & Oxygen in Hydrogen by Dew Point <- As the title says.
SN 34-37-9B Determining Dew Point of Gas - A more generalized test for moisture than described in SN 34-37-9A, above.
SN 34-37-10A Calibration Curves for Factory Microscopes - Calibrating microscopes, with different curves for four different factories.
SN 34-37-12A Glass Quality Control Tests for Miniature and Midget Tubes - Detailed discussion of strain and glass cracks in miniature tubes. Includes thermal shock and polariscope tests. Includes flow charts for machine start-up and hourly checks for sealing machines.
SN 34-37-13B Apparent Porosity Determination of Ceramic Parts - Both a simplified and a "Referee" method of measuring porosity in ceramic parts.
SN 34-37-18 Polariscope-Stress Analysis Within Glass - Detailed description of glass stress analysis using the polariscope.
SN 34-37-60 Permeability Test of Feebly Paramagnetic Materials <- As the title says.
SN 34-37-61 Copper Determination in Solutions - "Determination of copper by reduced phenophthalein, (Kaster-Myer reagent)". Any copper present in the screen settling process of applying phosphors is unwanted, since it leads to visible blue spots.
SN 34-37-61A Testing Concentration of Phosphor Solids in Screen Settling Solutions - Two methods of determining the amount of phosphors in the settling suspensions.
SN 34-37-61B Silicate Detection in Sulfate Solutions - <- As the title says. Holes in finished fluorescent screens can be caused by premature coagulation of silicates, hence they must be minimized.
SN 34-37-62 Test for Weld Knot Strength of Lead Wires - An ASTM test for the strength of welded wire connections.
SN 34-37-63 Test for Durability of Flat Glass <- As the title says.
SN 34-37-64 Determination of Hydrofluoric Acid - "The following procedure is standard for determining the concentration of hydrofluoric acid inside the Cathode-ray bulb washing machine."
SN 34-37-65 Determining Relative Thermal Expansion Match Between A Glass and Chrome Iron <- As the title says.
SN 34-37-65A Determining Relative Thermal Expansion Match Between A Glass and #4 Alloy <- As the title says.
SN 34-37-66 Pressure Leak Test of Recessed Cavity Caps - This test is for the contact button type of 2nd anode connection.
SN 34-37-67 Glass Thermal Expansion Match Test - "In the following test for examining the sealing properties of two glasses, a seal is made, annealed, and the seal boundary examined for residual strain."
SN 34-37-68 Glass Chemical Homogeneity Test - "This specification covers a test for chemical homogeneity of glass in the form of tubing or bulbs."
SN 34-37-69 Scratch Testing Bent Face Plates - "This test is intended to detect tension strains on either surface of a bent face plate, whether it has been annealed or tempered."
SN 34-37-70 Temper Testing Bent Face Plates <- As the title says.
SN 34-37-71 Measuring Face Plate Etching - "This specification covers the method which is to be used to measure reflected light from the etched face plates as a means to control the degree of etching. Initially intended for 16GP4 and 19AP4A face plates."
SN 34-38-5A Continuous Firing in Atmosphere of Partially Combusted City Gas - Detailed set-up and procedure for creating a reducing gas that is much cheaper than hydrogen. "City gas" or "water gas" was the original lighting gas, made from coal. It has been totally replaced by natural gas, which cannot create this reducing gas.
SN 34-38-5B Continuous Firing in Hydrogen Atmosphere - Operating instructions for the continuous hydrogen furnace-Hayes type LAC-210.
SN 34-38-5C Continuous Dry & Purified H2 Firing - Operating instructions for the continuous hydrogen furnace-Hayes type BAC2OOM.
SN 34-38-6B Firing Parts in Vacuum - Firing parts in the Model 780-WW gas-heated nichrome tube vacuum furnace.
SN 34-38-7 Firing in Forming Gas - Forming gas provides a protective reducing atmosphere.
SN 34-38-34B Hydrogen Humidifier - "Humidified hydrogen was initially used in firing ceramic material such as insulator supports and coated coiled heaters. Object of process is to introduce oxygen in the form of a controllable amount of water vapor (1) in the case of coated coiled heaters to eliminate carbon in binder and thus prevent the formation of tungsten carbide which is extremely brittle and (2) in the case of ceramic insulators to improve power factor."
SN 40-3-1 Spools for Wires & Ribbons - Description of the various spools used to carry wire in manufacturing to consumers.
SN 40-4-1 Ball Mill Jars - List of various ball mill jars used for making ceramic, zirconium, and carbonate preparations.
SN 44-3-8 Pyro Optical Pyrometer-Its Use and Maintenance - Instruction for using an optical pyrometer (manufacturer or type not given).
SN 44-4-9 Testing Wire or Strip for Stiffness - Instruction for using the Model 719-H wire stiffnes tester.
SN 44-5-3 Contact Cap Tester-For Making Leverage Test - Procedure for testing the integrity of the 3903 contact caps on CRTs.
SN 44-11-1 Magnet-For Checking Magnetic Properties of Materials - Testing the strength of a testing magnet.
SN 44-25-600 Method of Measuring Effective Height of Spacer Eyelets <- As the title says.
SN 49-2-1 Electric Annealing Furnace-Tubular-Type #A 56 with Alterations - Description and instructions for use of a tubular hydrogen annealing furnace, type #A 56.