Scanned books covering radio topics. Unless otherwise noted, these scans were done by John Atwood. Some links go to the Internet Archive. Listed Alphabetically by author.
Brown 1954 Single Sideband Techniques - Ham radio SSB theory and circuits from the
publishers of CQ magazine. 116 pages.
Bruene-Collins 1954 Report on Single Sideband Techniques and Design Requirements -
Collins Radio report No. CTR-113 - the results of a research project from 1952 to 1953 to study SSB for government
and ham radio use. Heavy emphasis on linear power amplification. The 51J-4, 75A-4, and KWS-1 were derived from
this study. 84 pages.
Hund 1942 Frequency Modulation - FM theory and design, transmitters, receivers, antennas.
385 pages.
Orr & Johnson 1956 VHF Handbook - A very practical book on VHF ham radio. No coverage of
FM. From the west coast Radio folks; a nice alternative to the ARRL crowd. 211 pages.
RCA 1948 Frequency Modulation Vol. 1 - From the RCA Technical Book Series, this book
collects articles about FM written by RCA authors from 1936 to 1947. 524 pages.
Rider & Uslan 1950 FM Transmission & Reception 2nd Ed - A very detailed description of
broadcast FM in all its aspects. The best write-up I've seen on all the different FM transmitters and how they
work. 460 pages.
Scroggie 1957 Foundations of Radio - Published in the UK as Foundations of Wireless.
Explanation of radio starting from first principles. Moderately technical. M.G. Scroggie wrote for
Wireless World under the pen-name "Cathode Ray". 353 pages.
Sturley 1943 Radio Receiver Design Part 1 - Detailed analysis of radio receiver design.
Chapters: General Considerations, Valves, Aerials and Aerial Coupling Circuits, Radio Frequency Amplification,
Frequency Changing, Oscillators for Superheterodyne Reception, Intermidiate Frequency Amplification, Detection.
445 pages.
Sturley 1945 Radio Receiver Design Part 2 - Continuation of above. Chapters: Audio
Frequency Amplifiers, The Power Output Stage, Power Supplies, Automatic Gain Control, Push-button Remote and
Automatic Tuning Control, Measurement of Receiver overall Performance, Frequency Modulated Reception,
Television Reception. 497 pages.
US Army Armor School 1960 Communication for Armor - Communication equipment and techniques
for the US Army armor units: FM and AM radio, wire equipment, radiotelephone procedure, radio and wire nets.
Zepler 1943 The Technique of Radio Design - Zepler was the head of the receiver department
at Telefunken, but ended up at Marconi in England during WW2. Chapters: Some Useful Theoretical Facts, Transfer
of Energy from the Aerial, The Amplifier Stage, Problems of Detection and Frequency Changing, Selectivity,
Receiver Noise, Gain Control, The Principles of Screening, Undesired Feedback, Hum Spurious Beats, Distortion,
Parasitic Resonances, Power Suppky, Routine Measurements, Fault Finding. 322 pages.