Semiconductor documents and data from RCA. Scanned by John Atwood unless otherwise noted. Some are stored at the Internet Archive.
More semiconductor technology can be found in the RCA Laboratory Bulletins, Research Bulletins, and Application Notes in the RCA Section.
RCA 1963 Tunnel Diode Manual - Quite different than the more common GE Tunnel Diode Manual.
RCA Hoover 1969 An Introduction to COS/MOS ICs and their Applications in Digital-Circuit
Systems - The engineering technology and application of RCA's COS/MOS (i.e. CMOS) digital logic.
RCA 1969 PHP-150A RCA's PHP Max Value Line - A cross-reference of RCA's lower cost PHP
silicon signal transistors to other popular transistors. However, RCA didn't invest in plastic packaging for
their signal transistors, so their heremetically-sealed PHP transistors were never very competitive.
RCA 1970 CD4000E Series COS-MOS ICs - Initially sold in expensive heremetically-sealed
packages, in 1970, RCA introduced plastic DIP packaging for their CD4000-series COS/MOS (i.e. CMOS) logic ICs,
making them much more available to engineers.
RCA 1970 OPT-100 Gallium-Arsenide Lasers and Emitters - Detailed descriptions of the
physics and application of GaAs lasers and emitters. Includes references.
RCA 1970 MOS-160C MOS FET Product Guide - Data, application information, and sample
circuits for RCA's line of discrete MOSFETs.
RCA 1971 1CE-402 Solid State Devices Operating Considerations - Handling and mounting
considerations for RCA semiconductors.
RCA 1971 RFT-700 RF Power Transistors - Descriptions of, parameters, and application
information for RCA's RF power transistor product line.
RCA 1971 PTD-187C Power Transistor Directory - Selector guide and summary descriptions of
RCA's power transistor product line.
RCA 1971 SPG-201H Solid State Product Guide - Complete product guide with brief
descriptions or parameters for RCA's line of semiconductors and integrated circuits as of November 1971.
RCA 1971 SP-52 Solid-State Power Circuits - A 704 page book describing RCA's power
semiconductors from device descriptions to the many uses of these devices: power supplies, power conversion,
thyristor controls, ballast citcuits, RF power amplifiers, microwave applications, audio power amplifiers,
ultrasonic power sources, TV deflection systems, and ignition systems.
RCA 1971 MPT-700 Microwave Power Transistors - Descriptions and circuit examples of RCA's
microwave power transistors.
RCA 1972 PHC-600 Power Hybrid Circuits - Descriptions, schematics, and application
information for RCA's hybrid power circuits.