Data and information from Machlett Laboratories, Inc. Machlett started making X-Ray tubes in 1897 in New York City. They moved to Springdale, Connecticut (a suburb of Stamford) in 1934. When Western Electric was required to exit the commercial broadcast transmitter business in 1948, for anti-trust reasons, they transferred their broadcast tube line to Machlett, hence Machlett's types ML-212E, ML-222B, ML-279A, ML-357B, etc. In 1959, Machlett was purchased by Raytheon and run as a separate division. In 1988, the Machlett division was sold to Varian. Later, the Machlett brand name was purchased by Penta Labs.
Machlett Communications & Industrial Tubes - Data sheets, price list, and application
info on Machlett's power tubes and rectifiers. Most data was current as of 1959, but a few newer data sheets
were added. Most of this data is already available on Frank Philipse's site, but there is
application data here and the scan quality is better. 141 Mb.