Here are various documents from Raytheon. Some are internal documents and some are for the general public. Listed chronologically.
Raytheon 1928 Type BA Bulletin TS-5 - A 350mA full-wave gas rectifier that can supply both
the A and B voltages for a receiver using 01-A tubes with the filaments wired in series. Not the most efficient, but
eliminates the need for a 6 Volt storage battery. Also has data on the BH rectifier.
Raytheon 1928 Type BH Bulletin TS-6 - A 125 mA full-wave gas rectifier that can be used as a
B-battery eliminator or to supply both the A and B voltages for a radio using series-connected 199 tubes. Includes
a section on troubleshooting.
Raytheon 1937 Radio Receiving Tubes - A 1937 Receiving Tube Databook with lots of application
Raytheon 1938 Handbook of Amateur Tube Uses - Raytheon transmitting tube data plus
extensive application information and circuits. Lots of information. 72 pages.
Raytheon Nelson 193- Noise in Vacuum Tubes and Associated Circuits - Bulletin 51 - No date
but probably 1938-39. Sources of noise in RF amplifier and converter tubes. Has experiments to compare with
theory. Note: this kind of analysis does not apply to audio amplification, where 1/f noise is usually dominant.
Raytheon 1940 Characteristic Data Chart - A listing of Receiving tubes, ballast tubes,
and miniature lamps in chart form.
Raytheon Blackwell 1944 Pentode No 3 Grid Mutual Conductance Characterisitcs - A study of
the transconductance from grid #3 to the plate of various RF pentodes: 78, 6S7G, 7B7, and 6SD7GT.
Raytheon Freedman 1944 Correlation of Weight & Diameter for Various Grid Winding Wires - An
analysis of diameter (in inches) versus density (mg/200 mm) for eight different types of grid winding wire.
Raytheon Blackwell 1944 RF Pentode Rp and gm as Affected by Number 3 Grid Pitch - A study
of the effect of varying the grid #3 pitch (turns per inch) on the mutual conductance and plate resistance of
these RF pentodes: 78, 6SD7GT, 7A7, and 7B7.