Standardizing Notices were RCA's official manufacturing instructions. They were very carefully kept up-to-date through a document control system, and were distributed under strict control, since these were the "crown jewels". Nearly all the Standardizing Notices at this site were given to GE under licensing agreements, and were not kept up-to-date. Since these came from GE's CRT Department, they all are for specific CRT designs or processes related to them, unless otherwise noted.
Standardizing Notices are hierarchical, with top level pages referring to details on lower-level pages.
SN 1-1-0 Standardizing Notices - Overview & Index - The top level document in the Standarizing
Notice system. It describes the structure and nomenclature used in this documentation system. This includes an index
of the various sections of the Standardizing Notices.
SN 1-1-1 Standardizing Notice Nomenclature - A list of the symbols used in the Standardizing
Notice documentation system. The cover page is from the GE department holding the RCA Standardizing Notices.
SN34-14-4F to 34-17-800 Standardizing Notice Binder - Covers: filament and cathode coating, electron gun
mounting, cleaning and preparing cathode-ray tube bulbs, and application of phosphors. Updated to 1955.
SN 34-18-3a to 49-2-1 Standardizing Notice Binder - Covers: sealing, basing and capping, electropolishing,
cleaning glass and metal, plating, and analysis procedures. Updated to 1955.
RCA-SN Permitted Lubricants - This is on the back of most of the Standardizing Notice pages
from the late 1940s. This is the same list as in SN 34-29-1A.
RCA SN CRT Index - Lists the top-level Standardizing Notices for the common CRTs of the
early 1950s, probably those that were licensed to General Electric.
RCA-Sibley 1930-31 01A 10 45 50 VT52 2A3 Standardizing Notices - Ludwell Sibley scanned these
Standardizing Notice pages while the entire Harrison collection was in his posession. These cover some of the
directly-heated triodes that are prized by tube audiophiles. The first page is Lud's summary of the collection and
the last two pages describe the Dowd-RCA archive and the Perham-Eimac Archive. The Standardizing Notices in this
document belong to and now reside at the AWA Museum.
RCA_SN 2BP1 Standardizing Notice - This is the entire set of Standardizing Notices for the
RCA SN 9AP4/1804P4 - Also includes 12AP4 data. Pre-war TV kinescopes.